
Dental implantation is a modern and progressive way to restore one or more lost teeth

About implantology

Implantology is a surgical operation during which a dental implant or titanium screw is screwed into the jawbone. A dental implant is a replacement for the root of a tooth, made of a particularly durable, light and biocompatible material (titanium, zirconium or their alloy), which is visually and functionally identical to natural human teeth. With the help of implants, it is possible to replace lost natural teeth in any part of the oral cavity.


Unlike traditional prosthetic methods, dental implants are physiologically more suitable for the natural structure of the human oral cavity.
An implant looks like a small screw that is surgically inserted into the jawbone and then an artificial tooth crown is attached to it.


Dental implants can be placed in patients starting from 16-18 years of age and up to an unlimited age.

What happens after one or more teeth are lost?

After the loss of one or more teeth, it is necessary to replace them as soon as possible, postponing the treatment, undesirable processes begin in the body:


– without receiving the usual load, the jawbone will begin to disappear in place of the lost tooth. As a result, the shape of the face can change, a person ages prematurely;

– adjacent teeth will begin to lean towards the lost tooth;

– the bite will change. With an incorrect bite, food will be more difficult to chew and may also cause headaches.

A quick, painless and long-lasting solution

Dental implantation is a modern and progressive way to restore one or more lost teeth. This treatment method is recommended by dentists all over the world for the following reasons:


1. reliable procedure. Implants grow in 96-100% of cases and can last a lifetime perfectly;

2. painless, simple, quick operation. Dental implant procedures are usually performed under local anesthesia. The operation lasts an average of 30-60 minutes;

3. maximum aesthetic result. Only a dentist can distinguish an implanted tooth from a real one by carefully examining the patient's oral cavity;

4. without discomfort and everyday inconvenience. Does not cause constant pain, provides free chewing opportunities, does not cause psychological discomfort.

5 steps till the tooth is implanted

The tooth implantation process consists of three basic stages.

– Inspection and consultation;

– In the second time, in the surgical stage, the operation of implantation of the dental implant in the jaw bone is performed;

– The prosthetics stage, where an impression of the teeth and gum is taken and a crown is made.


Initially, the surgeon performs an examination of the oral cavity and an X-ray, assessing the quantity and quality of the jaw bone.


Initially, a titanium screw is screwed into the jawbone. According to the structure of the patient's jaw bone, the screw has a certain length, width, with a certain number of threads and depth. If necessary, stitches can be removed after a week.


The process continues after 2 – 5 months, during which the process of osseointegration (the fusion of the dental implant with the bone) has taken place - to establish this, an X-ray examination is performed. As well as making a dental crown and connecting it to the implant.


In the fourth stage, the dental crown is attached to the abutment, which completes the tooth implantation process. It remains only to understand with the new sensations until the mind and jaw accept the existence of the new tooth.


Dental implants should be cared for in the same way as natural teeth, with daily brushing and flossing, regular visits to a dental hygienist and, if necessary, a dentist. Caring for dental implants is natural, they do not require special attention or care from people, as would be the case with dentures.

Types of implants we use

We choose the world's most recognized dental implants - Straumann. They are the most reliable and high-quality dental implants that are made in Switzerland.


One of the largest independent studies in the history of Swedish dentistry has shown that the success of the treatment largely depends on the manufacturer of the implant. The study proved that STRAUMANN implants were lost up to 60 times less often than implants from other manufacturers.


Although it is impossible to predict the success of each operation, many studies show that the Straumann Roxolid SLActive implant achieves up to 99% better growth rates, even in difficult cases (diabetic patients, oncological diseases).


The patented titanium and zirconium implant alloy Roxolid is stronger and has better biocompatibility. SLActive implant surface improves healing processes by 50%.

48h rekomendācijas pēc implantu ievietošanas

On the first day after the procedure, it is very likely that you will feel the following symptoms - slight bleeding, swelling and pain. These signs are normal and mean that the healing process is taking place. Approximately 48 hours after the procedure, it is mandatory to observe:


– clean the teeth using a soft or very soft toothbrush, use mouthwash or toothpaste that does not contain abrasives; Choose a toothpaste specifically designed for implant care;

– it is very important to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothbrush that has soft bristles;

– at least once a day, use an appropriate dental floss, one that does not fray;

– do not touch the wound site unnecessarily, so as not to injure it even more;

– avoid eating hot, cold, hard or grainy food;

– it is recommended not to eat on the implanted tooth for a couple of days;

– Do not smoke!!! Tobacco smoke can cause complications at the site of the implant, resulting in inflammation. Be attentive, pay attention to the condition of the dental implant.


Between visits to the dentist, it is definitely necessary to pay attention to the general condition of your dental implants. See a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:


– swelling or redness around the implant site;
– difficulty chewing food or pain when biting teeth;
– implants seem unstable and loose.

Pastāvīga kopšana un rekomendācijas pēc ielikšanas

Implantam un kronim tiek dota garantija 2 gadi. Tomēr, pie labas kopšanas, tie var
kalpot pat līdz 30 gadiem.
Lai pagarinātu implanta un kroņa kalpošanas ilgumu, svarīgi ir atcerēties par:

  • rūpīgu mutes dobuma kopšanu,
  • regulāras zobu higiēnas veikšanu,
  • regulāru zobārsta apmeklēšanu un RTG kontroli.

Jāņem vērā arī:

  • ieradumi (piem.smēķēšana),
  • sakodiena īpatnības,
  • ļoti cieša sakošana,
  • zobu griešana,
  • skābu produktu lietošana,
  • samazināta siekalu izdalīšanās.

Jāatceras, ka nedrīkst izmantot zobu diegu, jo tiek uzskatīts, ka tas pārrauj saites starp kroni un smaganu, kas veicina baktēriju iekļūšanu zonā ap implantu. Ieteicams izmantot Sonicare zobu birstes un Waterpik mutes irigatorus.

Ir svarīgi palūgt ārstam, kurš ievieto implantu, tā saucamo zoba implanta pasi, kurā ir fiksēts implanta izmērs, nosaukums (brends), ievietošanas datums, jo tā ir svarīga informācija ārstam un zobu tehniķim turpmākajai kroņa izgatavošanai uz implanta, un tas ir būtisks nosacījums zoba kroņa ilgmūžībai uz zoba implanta ar atbilstoša implanta oriģinālajām detaļām. Svarīga ir laba higiēna un regulāra apskate vismaz reizi gadā, jo savlaicīga problēmas konstatācija var jūs pasargāt no nevēlamām komplikācijām, un līdz ar to, implants kalpos jums ilgāk.
Mūsu klīnikā uz implantiem tiek likti cirkonija kroņi. Cirkonija zobu kroņi un tilti ir optimāls risinājums pēc zobu implantu ievietošanas. Cirkonija kronis ir vieglāks un tajā pašā laikā stiprāks nekā porcelāna kronis. Cirkonijs ir materiāls, kas ir pilnībā bioloģiski saderīgs ar cilvēka organismu, neizraisot alerģijas riskus.

Important notice

Implants, like natural teeth, require regular care and visits to the dentist and hygienist. Dental implants are an investment in your well-being. Their service life can be up to 30 years. Give yourself a smile that convinces!